EDI Payments Standards ANSI X12 vs EDIFACT:


Hi there! Today, let’s explore the intriguing world of EDI Payments Standards and compare two major players: ANSI X12 and EDIFACT. I’m here to make this journey through the complexities of Electronic Data Interchange both fun and enlightening.

What’s EDI All About?

First up, let’s demystify EDI Payments . Think of it as a digital bridge that allows different computer systems to exchange information easily so key business data such as invoices, orders and payments can be effortlessly passed from one place to another. In effect, it is a lingua franca of business!

What is  ANSI X12 and EDIFACT?

In the EDI field, ANSI X12 and EDIFACT are the big players. Let’s meet them:

ANSI X12: Made by the American National Standards Institute, this one’s a favorite in North America. It is also the language of choice for electronic transactions in the U.S and Canada.

EDIFACT: For Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport EDIFACT is the international favorite. Widely used throughout Europe as well as all over the world.More info…EDI Payments Auditing and Reporting


Although ANSI X12 and EDIFACT EDI Payments hope to achieve similar ends, they have their differences.

  •  Geographical Reach: On the North American scene, it’s ANSI X12 all the way. EDIFACT EDI Payments rules over Europe and elsewhere.
  • Structure and Syntax: Each standard has its own way of organizing and displaying data.
  • Industry preferences: So it is determined by where you are and your industry. Local practices may dictate that one standard suits better than the other, for example.

EDI Payments EDIFACT’s Journey:

  1. 1980s Start: Eighties business world-so big hair and phones, everyone wants to trade overseas. Countries had their own ways of sending business information electronically. EDIFACT entered the stage then, striving to become a universal language for all these digital documents.
  2. United Nations’ Role: The UN understood how beneficial a single standard could be for international business. Their wish was to have everyone use the same electronic format so as to make trading across countries easier.
  3. First Version in 1987: In 1987, the first EDIFACT standards were published. It was a major leap forward like the first smartphone, but only step one.
  4. Constantly Improving: It had to play catch-up as business and technology changed, constantly coming up with new versions in order that it could serve different industries and technologies.
  5. Global Trade Impact: Like the internet did for people, EDIFACT  EDI Payments allowed businesses around the world to connect much better.Get in touch…EDI Payments Future Trends for Next Generation
  6. Still Important Today: New technologies have not replaced EDIFACT EDI Payments which remains widely used, particularly in Europe and for international trade. Like the reliable old Nokia phones-not fancy, but they get the job done.

The Story of ANSI X12:

  1. 1970s Beginning: Imagine the business world of the 1970s–pure paper, pure manpower. Corporations needed an easier way to exchange commercial information, and that is where the idea of EDI Payments took shape.
  2. Committee Formed in 1979: In 1979, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recognized EDI Payments potential and formed a committee to develop common business language for computers.
  3. First Release in 1981: In that year, 1981: like the first iPhone. The first version of ANSI X12 was published. Businesses exchanged documents faster and more accurately.
  4. Constant Evolution: Like smartphones becoming smarter, ANSI X12 kept improving to meet changing business demands and technology. It began to cover various industries with their own needs.
  5. Global Influence: ANSI X12’s use started in the U.S., and spread around the world, particularly for North American trade. Globally it went up against standards such as EDIFACT EDI Payments.
  6. Staying Relevant: Such is the fate of ANSI X12. It continues to adapt, incorporating new technologies in order for it to stay useful today’s fast-paced digital world.

Common Use ANSI X12 Transactions:

  • Invoice (810): This is equivalent to an electronic invoice, recording what was sold and at how much.
  • Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820): Here, payments are sent and described.
  • Purchase Order (850): Think of it as an online shopping order but for firms.
  • Purchase Order Acknowledgment (855): This means that the order has been accepted by the seller.
  • Advance Ship Notice (856): It describes what is being sent and when it will arrive.
  • Functional Acknowledgment (997): This means that a business document was received and is fine, or if there are problems.Read now….Understanding How APIs Boost EDI Payments
EDI Payments Comparing ANSI X12 and EDIFACT:
  • Popularity: North America’s baseball is ANSI X12. EDIFACT is more like soccer–popular almost everywhere but here.
  • Design Philosophy: American needs are like a custom-built car: enter ANSI X12. EDIFACT is like a multi-purpose SUV for the global market.
  • Complexity: ANSI X12 is detailed and specific. EDIFACT EDI Payments is easier and more flexible.
  • Updates: Like upgraded smartphones, they are constantly being updated.
  • Industry Use: The North American industries use ANSI X12. EDIFACT is widely used, particularly in Europe.
  • Talking to Each Other: ANSI X12 has to work with EDIFACT, like using an instant translation app. EDIFACT is better suited for international use.

So in brief, ANSI X12 and EDIFACT are like two different communications systems for business. ANSI X12 is perfect for North America, while EDIFACT is great for international trade. They are both extremely important for smoothly operating business.GET MORE DETAIL….Types of EDI Payments

Conclusion: Hence, EDI Payments standards like ANSI X12 and EDIFACT facilitate electronic business communication that is easy to use. Knowing their differences and how they’re used can be a big help to your business, especially in this digital era. Informed and flexible- it’s the key to success!

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